Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Strip District Engagement Session | Faith & Justin

Faith & Justin just got engaged up at the West End Overlook. They reached out to plan an industrial, Pittsburgh engagement session. So what better place than the Strip District to get that gritty Burgh vibe?

Strip District Engagement Session | Faith & Justin

Faith & Justin just got engaged up at the West End Overlook. They reached out to plan an industrial, Pittsburgh engagement session. So what better place than the Strip District to get that gritty Burgh vibe? To get some city lights, we ended the session with a stop at Washington’s Landing after dark.

These two are the coolest people, which made for such a fun session!

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The Studio, Engagement Kathryn Hyslop The Studio, Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Proposal Tips From a Professional Photographer

proposal tips from a professional photographer

Proposing is one of the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking things a person will ever do. All the planning and scheming leading up to this moment may have caused you overlook a few important things (understandably!). Here are a few tips on how to create the best proposal ever!

proposal tips from a professional photographer

Proposing is one of the most exhilarating and nerve-wracking things a person will ever do. All the planning and scheming leading up to this moment may have caused you overlook a few important things (understandably!). Here are a few tips on how to create the best proposal ever!

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement ring

Have a concrete plan

For such a big moment, “winging it” is probably not the way to go. Don’t just have a general idea of where you’ll propose ex) the public park. Pick a specific location like, the statue by the duck pond in the public park. Not only will this help keep you from getting flustered, it will make it easier for your photographer to capture the moment! They can be hidden in the area and know that’s where you’ll be popping the question. You should also have a general plan for the day, or if you’re not planning on seeing her before you propose, make sure you have a friend in on it so they can keep her occupied. Set a time in your head when all this will be going down. Not only is this crucial in capturing the moment on camera, it will keep your nerves at bay to know you’re sticking to your schedule.

Consider Going Solo (and celebrate after)

Proposing in front of all her family and friends is totally fine, but keep in mind it will be easier for your photographer to do their job with less people around. It is easier to get different angles of the proposal without worrying about Aunt Mary blocking the reaction. If you do choose to have people around, warn them in advance (if you can) that a photographer will be there and they should be aware of that. If you’re surprising the whole crowd, try to organize people in a way that separates you two from all the people so everyone can focus on the moment. If you want people there, you can always have an intimate moment while you propose and then meet up with friends and family after to celebrate (another event I am happy to capture).

Work your photographer into the scene

If you’re proposing downtown or in a restaurant, hide your photographer in plain sight! I can be a tourist strolling down the same sidewalk as you or a fellow diner wherever you’re eating. Working me into the natural scenery makes things easier and allows for a smoother transition when you begin your proposal. Depending on where you’re proposing I could just be a non-assuming citizen taking pictures of my surroundings. We can sort out the exact details once we begin working together.

Pick a place with good lighting

engagement ring, pittsburgh wedding photographers

Proposing midday with no shade in sight  is probably not the wisest choice for capturing a proposal on camera (think lots of shadows and squinting into the sun). Scope out the area beforehand if it’s an indoor location and try to figure out where the best lighting is (I can help). If it’s outside, try pick a time when the lighting creates a natural romantic backdrop; sunset or sunrise are always perfect times. Again, these are things I am happy to help you with. The better the lighting, the better the images. Briefing me on these things can also help prepare me so I know which equipment to bring along.

Prepare a speech

Preparing a speech will not only help you keep your cool and give you a starting point for the proposal, but it will clue your photographer in that the proposal is about to happen! They can get into their ready position and begin snapping pics as you start talking. Take a deep breath before you begin speaking and try your best to say what you have planned out. A lot of people say they totally forget what they’ve said during this moment, but that’s OK! As long as you attempt a speech on some kind I can get my camera ready!

Bonus tip: If you plan on getting down on one knee - kneel for longer than you think

Your mind will freeze and it feels like you’re proposing longer than you are! Make sure you hang out on that knee for at least a few seconds so that the moment can be captured perfectly. The prepared speech can help with this!

Ask your photographer for tips

I’ve shot many proposals, so I am happy to offer any planning advice I can. From places to propose in the area to times of day that work the best, I am happy to lend my expertise. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me before you have concrete plans, we can work together! Contact me today for more helpful advice.

Planning a holiday proposal? Let's chat

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Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop

5 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Do an Engagement Shoot

After the question is popped and celebrations have been had, the next thing you should think about is getting your engagement photos taken! Engagement photos have so many benefits - check out a few of them below.

5 Reasons Why Every Couple Should Do an Engagement Shoot

After the question is popped and celebrations have been had, the next thing you should think about is getting your engagement photos taken! Engagement photos have so many benefits - check out a few of them below.

It helps your photographer get to you know you

Your wedding photographer is going to be capturing one of the most exciting days of your life, so I believe it is important to get to know them beforehand. Think about it; you’re going to have a hair and makeup trial, you’re going to try on your wedding attire, and have a rehearsal for the ceremony - so why wouldn’t you do a test run with your photographer too? Having time to hang out together before your wedding gives me a sense of who you two are as a couple and the kind of chemistry you have. I’ll be able to pick out your personality quirks, how you flirt with each other, and be able to showcase that through the images

Pittsburgh wedding photographers engagement session oakland

You’ll have professional photos to use pre-wedding

Try to get your engagement photos scheduled earlier rather than later so you can put them to good use throughout your engagement! You can include the shots on your wedding website for all of your guests to enjoy. You can also incorporate the shots on your save-the-date cards or in your guest book for your wedding day (Which I can create for you! Give me a call to see how). It’ll make things a lot easier than having to dig through years’ worth of pictures, trying to figure out which ones to use.

Pittsburgh wedding photographers engagement session strip district

Reconnect with each other and capture this special part of your life

As you have probably figured out, wedding planning can be stressful. Trying to organize an event with hundreds of guests is definitely not a relaxing experience. This is supposed to be a magical time in your life! Your engagement period should be full of romance and reconnecting with one another. Allow me to help! We can have an afternoon of fun doing whatever it is you like to do as a couple. You’ll be able to look back at these images years from now and remember what a lovely afternoon you had together at the park or strolling down town. Plus, it’s an excuse to get all dolled up and take some gorgeous pictures with your significant other!

Pittsburgh wedding photographers engagement session round hill park

Practice for the big day

Chances are you haven’t had a professional photographer follow you around for hours snapping pictures of you doing everyday things. So it’s totally natural to feel a little nervous or uncomfortable. Let’s try to get those nerves and feelings of discomfort out of your system before your wedding day. You don’t want any awkward shots of you and your significant other on the big day, so  take this time to practice a few poses and get relaxed in front of the camera! Once you see how great you both look in professional shots, you’ll be even more excited for the big day. You’ll also be used to my direction and feel much more comfortable when we’re shooting on your wedding day (and under a time crunch!).

Pittsburgh wedding photographers engagement session oakland

Documenting your relationship

Use this as an opportunity to express yourselves as a couple. We can shoot at your favorite hiking spot, at the café where you had your first date, or any other meaningful location. Use this as an opportunity to show who you are as a couple and let me capture your connection. I want to be able to highlight your personalities through my pictures, so feel free to include anything that reflects who you two are. Have a picnic, play with your dog, or cook breakfast at home. No matter what, I’ll be there to capture it all.

Pittsburgh wedding photographers engagement session north shore

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Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop

5 Golden Rules to Follow During Your Engagement Session

It’s totally normal to have a thousand questions about your engagement session before it happens, you’ve probably never been a part of one before! There’s no need to stress over it—it’s supposed to be a fun and exciting time for you and your fiancé(e). I’ve put together a couple of golden rules to abide by during your shoot. As long as you follow these, your pictures will be stunning, guaranteed.

5 Golden Rules to Follow During Your Engagement Session

It’s totally normal to have a thousand questions about your engagement session before it happens; you’ve probably never been a part of one before! There’s no need to stress over it—it’s supposed to be a fun and exciting time for you and your fiancé(e). I’ve put together a couple of golden rules to abide by during your shoot. As long as you follow these, your pictures will be stunning, guaranteed.

Relax and Get Comfortable

Unless you’re a celebrity, it may feel strange to be having a photographer follow you around. Some poses may feel unnatural from how you and your S.O. behave towards each other in real life, but I promise they will make for some spectacular photos if you just relax and enjoy yourself. Think about it as a practice photo shoot for your wedding day! It’s a good opportunity to get comfortable in front of the camera, since you’ll have double the amount of pictures taken of you on the big day. Take this time to really enjoy the moment with your fiancé(e). Use it as a break from wedding planning and think of it as a great way to spend a few hours together. Keep in mind that this photo shoot will result in some amazing and frame-worthy pictures.

Engagement Session Pittsburgh Photographer, Relax and Get Comfortable

Think About Your Wardrobe

Think about where your photo shoot is happening and what kind of outfit you want to wear. If you’re getting your photos taken in PNC park, a ball gown is probably not the best choice. If your backdrop is a cityscape however, that might be a bit more appropriate. I also suggest you avoid wearing clothes with busy or distracting patterns so they don’t clash with your environment. I recommend items of clothing that are either neutral or bold, and solid colors so you and your S.O. really stand out from your background.Bring a few options with you so I can get shots of you and your S.O. in a couple of different looks. Consider bringing one casual look and something closer to cocktail attire (or black tie if you really want to go big!). You should also make sure that you and your S.O. wear outfits that go well together. No need to get super matchy, but you want to look good standing next to each other! Ladies, when it comes to jewelry, try not to wear anything too flashy that might distract from the real subject of the picture—you two.

Engagement Session Pittsburgh Photographer, Think About Your Wardrobe

Listen to your photographer

An engagement session is not only an opportunity for you and your S.O. to produce some stunning pictures, it’s a time to get to know me, your wedding photographer! I’m going to be right by your side throughout your big day, so it’s important we get comfortable with each other before then. I’ll work with you to find the most flattering angles and poses for both of you. Some of the poses I ask you to do may feel a bit odd, but trust me! I know what I’m doing and I’m only trying to get the best shots for both of you.

Pittsburgh engagement photographer, Listen to the photographer

Location(s) matter

Choosing a location that is important to you will make the whole vibe of the shoot feel more casual and normal. If you have a favorite spot, let’s shoot there! Check out last week’s post for choosing the best spot for you. The point is, if you’re in an environment that is special to you two as a couple, the whole concept will feel more natural and fun, resulting in better images. If you have a few spaces that you want to use as a background, I can also make that work. Need help deciding between a few spots? I’m here to help.

Pittsburgh engagement photographer, wedding, Location(s) matter

Act Natural

Let me know prior to the shoot the kind of overall vibe and look you are going for. You want to make sure you’re staying true to yourselves as a couple. If you’re not a super PDA couple, you may not want every single picture to be of you two kissing. Let me know what kinds of images and poses don’t feel right for you so I can avoid them. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy yourself! Have fun with this experience and really enjoy these moments I’m capturing. Remember that this is about you two showing off your love for one another, so relax and have fun!

Tips for Engagement Sessions, Pittsburgh wedding photographer, Act Natural

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Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop Engagement, The Studio Kathryn Hyslop

How to Decide Where to Do an Engagement Shoot

After all the initial excitement of your engagement starts to die down (or, at least, the initial shock has worn off) it’s time to start thinking about engagement photos. These pictures signify the start of the rest of your lives together, so it’s important to consider a few things when picking a location for the shoot.

How to Decide Where to Do an Engagement Photo Shoot

After all the initial excitement of your engagement starts to die down (or, at least, the initial shock has worn off) it’s time to start thinking about engagement photos. These pictures signify the start of the rest of your lives together, so it’s important to consider a few things when picking a location for the shoot. 

Time of year
The season will play a big part in the overall outcome of your engagement photos. If you’re taking them during the winter, consider asking your photographer to snap pics of you and your fiancé(e) having a snowball fight or sledding at the local park. If you’re more of an indoor couple, stay at home and document a cozy night by the fire. A fall engagement shoot is the perfect opportunity for shots at a pumpkin patch, apple orchard or simply taking advantage of the beautiful fall leaves. Summer calls for romantic beach snaps (or, since we’re in Pittsburgh, maybe stopping by a creek or waterfall), while the spring lends itself to a beautiful photo op in a public garden or park. Whatever season you choose, take advantage of what they each represent! If you’re not sure which season is best for you, I’m here to help. 

Time of day
The time of day can totally change the vibe of the shoot. That’s why, for the most part, I only shoot at sunrise or sunset. Those are the times when the sun is at the perfect height in the sky for those dreamy golden shots. If you want to add a little more drama, continuing to shoot after the sun has set can make for some epic portraits as well! 

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement pictures

Meaningful place
Think about the location you and your fiancé(e) first met, got engaged, or frequently vacation. Are any of these ideal spots for a photo shoot? Sit down for a cup of coffee at the café you had your first date, or let me snap photos of you both on the street corner where you had your first kiss. Did you first exchange “I love yous” at the beach? I’d be happy to capture you reliving that moment together. If your grandparents' camp is a special place where you two spent a lot of time, perhaps that would be an ideal place to capture your love. Maybe you want to have a cozy in-home photo shoot, where I document the simple moments that make up the fabric of your relationship. I am happy to go anywhere and shoot wherever it is brings you two the most joy. You’re also not locked into just one location. I’m happy to follow you around town, taking photos of the college or high school where you met. If the location you want to take pictures at isn’t feasible to get to, find somewhere close by that resembles the place that holds a special place in your heart. 

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement pictures

Favorite hobby or activity
Do you two love walking your dog? What about golfing together or picnicking at the local park? Whatever it is you two enjoy doing together, why not let it serve as the theme for your engagement shoot? If you love going to the theater, I can snap pics of you outside your favorite local playhouse or at the cinema downtown. If you’re both huge baseball fans, take pictures at the stadium of the team you both root for. If you love horseback riding, I’m ready to document you out at the ranch. Not only will these make for pretty unique shots, but your shared hobbies will be well-documented too. If you have lots of hobbies but not sure which one is best suited for an engagement shoot? I’m here to help.

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement pictures

Think about the vibe of your wedding
Think about it: a shoot at sunset near the water is going to have a totally different feel than a downtown city shoot. Think about the vibe of your wedding and consider going for the same aesthetic in your engagement shots. Getting hitched at a fancy hotel in the heart of the city? Take your photo shoot to the streets and let me capture you hand in hand as you stroll down the sidewalk or through the local park. If a destination wedding is in the cards for you, a photo shoot by the lake or on an overlook may be the perfect complement. The setting of your wedding and engagement shoot don’t have to be identical by any means, but it’s a great way to set the overall tone of your big day. 

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement pictures

How do you want to dress?
Do you want to get all glammed up for the pictures or would you rather go all natural? If you’re using these pictures as an excuse to rent a gorgeous gown and get your hair done, by all means, go for it! If you want a more relaxed and casual atmosphere for the shoot, that’s totally OK too, just think about it before you pick a location. Getting all gussied up and donning a floor-length gown might not be the best idea if your shoot is on a sailboat. However, shots on a hotel rooftop could be the way to go if that’s how you want to look. As I said before, think about the vibe of the shoot and how you want that to be reflected in your pictures. 

pittsburgh wedding photographer, engagement pictures

Still need help deciding on a location? Feel free to reach out to me, I am happy to assist in any way I can!

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Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Jourdan & Vince | Phipps & Mt. Washington Engagement

Jourdan & Vince are getting married next month.  Luckily, we managed to sneak in an engagement session, just under the wire!  They wanted to capture an authentic, Pittsburgh shoot, so we went to a few classic locations - Phipps and Mt. Washington.

Jourdan & Vince | Phipps & Mt. Washington Engagement

Jourdan & Vince are getting married next month.  Luckily, we managed to sneak in an engagement session, just under the wire!  They wanted to capture an authentic, Pittsburgh shoot, so we went to a few classic locations - Phipps and Mt. Washington.  I'm especially drawn to the sunset images overlooking the city.  Love them!

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Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Jovanna & Troy | An Oakland Engagement

Jovanna & Troy | An Oakland Engagement

When we met to plan out Jovanna & Troy's engagement session, they had an idea in mind.  They wanted snow, and they especially wanted a shot in front of Soldiers & Sailors with snow falling around them.  The day before their shoot, Pittsburgh had perfect snow flurries falling down.  The day of their shoot - nothing.  Even the snow that was on the ground started melting!  Pittsburgh weather is notoriously fickle.

Even though we couldn't capture that particular shot, they still braved the cold (really cold) wind around Phipps for their engagement session.  We were able to warm up during their more formal shots at the Cathedral of Learning.  We even lucked out and got to experience a concert in the Common Room!  

They absolutely rocked their entire session.  Usually I give some posing tips, but these two seemed like pros!  Can you tell?  


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Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Becca & Scott | A Frick Park Engagement Session | Pittsburgh

Becca & Scott | A Frick Park Engagement Session | Pittsburgh

Becca and Scott have been together for a long time, and they are getting married in a small ceremony next year.  They reached out to me to capture their day (which I am so excited about!). We began planning their engagement session immediately, because it is only going to get colder outside.  They chose Frick Park, where Scott often walked to work through.  

Usually I take clients to the lower section of the park near the fields.  Becca & Scott introduced me to the upper entrance near the museum.  It is a gorgeous location, and we had a beautiful, crisp fall day for the shoot.  

With their adorable puppy in tow, we captured these adorable images!



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