Engagement, Travel Kathryn Hyslop Engagement, Travel Kathryn Hyslop

Raven's Rock WV Engagement Session | Karah & Ian

We drove all the way down to Coopers Rock State Forest in West Virginia to find the perfect cliff-top view for Karah & Ian’s engagement session. Together, we hiked out to the edge and watched the sunset over the mountains. By the time we finished, we had to hike half the trail in the dark! Good thing we brought flashlights just in case.

Raven's Rock WV Engagement Session | Karah & Ian

We drove all the way down to Coopers Rock State Forest in West Virginia to find the perfect cliff-top view for Karah & Ian’s engagement session. Together, we hiked out to the edge and watched the sunset over the mountains. By the time we finished, we had to hike half the trail in the dark! Good thing we brought flashlights just in case.

I’m 100% obsessed with this view. Who’s driving down to WV next?

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Travel Kathryn Hyslop Travel Kathryn Hyslop

Paris Trip | Summer 2018

Summer in Paris | 2018

As most of you know, I left my office job this past spring so that I could focus on my business 100%! I don’t like to say I went ‘full-time’, because I was definitely already putting in full time hours running this biz. Because I was working two full-time jobs, I missed out on a lot of social activities, and had to put things like vacation on hold. The last trip Jon (my hubby) and I took was our honeymoon in 2013 (yes - five years ago). So it was long overdue.

One of the promises I made to myself and to my husband when I left the office was to make time for us, and to make time to travel. Jon had never been overseas before, so while we saved up so that I could leave, I told him to pick his top city in the world to visit. That day we bought plane tickets to Paris.

Summer in Paris | 2018

As most of you know, I left my office job this past spring so that I could focus on my business 100%! I don’t like to say I went ‘full-time’, because I was definitely already putting in full time hours running this biz. Because I was working two full-time jobs, I missed out on a lot of social activities, and had to put things like vacation on hold. The last trip Jon (my hubby) and I took was our honeymoon in 2013 (yes - five years ago). So it was long overdue.

One of the promises I made to myself and to my husband when I left the office was to make time for us, and to make time to travel. Jon had never been overseas before, so while we saved up so that I could leave, I told him to pick his top city in the world to visit. That day we bought plane tickets to Paris.

The tickets were for June, and we bought them in January - so we had time to get excited. By the time we made it, we were ecstatic! We got off the plane, took the train into the city, and immediately got drenched by a downpour.

Then we got lost.

Luckily, that was the worst part of the trip. Once we found our airbnb (5 min walk from the Louvre), we were home. That week was incredible, and now Jon has the travel bug along with me.

Since we’re headed to our next destination on Friday, I figured it was time to share a few pictures from the trip! Make sure you follow along on my Instagram for real time updates!

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Travel, Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Travel, Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Csongi & Yvette | Budapest, Hungary

As many of you know, I traveled to Budapest last week to attend the Fearless Photographers Conference (and tour lots of cool places of course!).  I'll be writing a blog post soon that has all the amazing details and photos of the trip, so keep an eye out this week!

As many of you know, I traveled to Budapest last week to attend the Fearless Photographers Conference (and tour lots of cool places of course!).  I'll be writing a blog post soon that has all the amazing details and photos of the trip, so keep an eye out this week!

While we were there, Sandra (the owner of Sandrachile and awesome traveling companion) really wanted to photograph a styled shoot.  She posted in a Budapest Facebook group to look for models.  A few people volunteered, and she ended up talking with some awesome couples.  She chose who she wanted to work with, and asked the other couple if they'd be willing to work with me.

That other couple ended up being Csongi & Yvette, who are two amazing individuals.  They met me by our AirBnb, and we walked around the city capturing beautiful images.  When I asked if there were anymore places they'd like to go, they volunteered to drive me up to the overlook, a beautiful historic area called the Fortress.  While driving through the city, they gave me a tour, telling me the stories and history of the area.  We spend almost 3 hours together, and they ended the night by giving me a magnet of Budapest!  How sweet!?!?!

Here's a sneak peek of some of their images.  Thank you both!

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Engagement Kathryn Hyslop Engagement Kathryn Hyslop

Abby & Nate | A Rolling Hills Ranch Engagement Session | Pittsburgh

abby & Nate | A Rolling Hills Ranch Engagement Session | Pittsburgh

I've known Nate and Abby since high school, and it was a joy to be able to capture their engagement pictures.  Abby & Nate are avid riders, and Nate actually proposed to her at Rolling Hills Ranch.  It was the perfect location to have their engagement shoot.  

Considering how late in the season it was, we ended up with picture perfect weather.  We started the session up in a small field, but then decided to expand their session to an actual ride - yep, I had to go too!  Definitely not what I expected!  But we had a ton of fun, and captured incredible images.

Check them out!

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Personal Kathryn Hyslop Personal Kathryn Hyslop

House Update #1

House update #1

If you've been following my blog or my facebook page, you probably heard that my husband, Jon, and I just bought a house (with the help of our awesome realtor Vince Sullivano).  Yesterday we passed the first month mark, so I felt like it was time for an update!  You can check out the first announcement blog here.

We knew the house needed some love & care, but I don't think we realized quite what we were getting in to.  The house is 95 years old, and it wasn't well kept.  Every single room needed patched and painted, along with other minor projects.  We did the majority of this work on our own, with the help of awesome friends & family.

The exterior needed work too.  The very first thing we did was repair the roof, remove lots of overgrown landscaping, replace a retaining wall, and get new sidewalks poured (we outsourced all these things - the contractors are linked).  This work is still in progress, so I'll share pictures during update number 2!

Today I want to share the first floor, and the den on the second floor.  We've (almost) completed the living room, dining room, and entry way!  Eventually we'll get around to painting the kitchen cabinets.  Maybe next year.

I can't wait to share more with you soon!  It has been slow going, since October is an extremely busy month for photographers, but we'll get there eventually.  The next projects are finishing off my office (which is currently our catch-all room & closet; alllll the boxes are in there), and getting our bedroom finalized.  I've heard that building Ikea furniture brings couples closer together.....right?

Talk soon!

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